Felix Chopra
I am an Assistant Professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and an associated member of IZA and the CESifo Research Network. I work on behavioral economics applications in household finance, industrial organization and the economics of climate change. My research explores novel applications of artificial intelligence.
Email: f.chopra@fs.de
[Curriculum Vitae] ---[Google Scholar] ---[Twitter/X]
Working Papers
Home Price Expectations and Spending: Evidence from a Field Experiment
(with Christopher Roth and Johannes Wohlfart)
conditionally accepted at the American Economic Review. [PDF]
Conducting Qualitative Interviews with AI
(with Ingar Haaland)
[PDF] [Code for running AI-led interviews] [SSRN WP] [CESifo Working Paper]
Media Persuasion and Consumption: Evidence from the Dave Ramsey Show
[PDF] [CESifo Best Paper Award]
Selected work in progress
AI Customization and the Market for News (with Ingar Haaland, Fabian Roeben, Christopher Roth and Vanessa Sticher)
Global Evidence on Cooperation (with Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva and Armin Falk)
Misperceived Social Norms and Willingness to Act Against Climate Change
(with Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva and Armin Falk)
The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. [PDF] [IZA Climate Research Award]
The Demand for News: Accuracy Concerns versus Belief Confirmation Motives
(with Ingar Haaland and Christopher Roth)
The Economic Journal, 2024, Vol. 134, Issue 661, 1806-1834. [PDF] [Ungated]
Globally Representative Evidence on the Actual and Perceived Support for Climate Action
(with Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva and Armin Falk)
Nature Climate Change, 2024, Vol. 14, 253-259. [PDF] [Data]
Intertemporal Altruism
(with Armin Falk and Thomas Graeber)
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2024, Vol. 16(1), 329-57. [PDF] [Ungated]
The Null Result Penalty
(with Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth and Andreas Stegmann)
The Economic Journal, 2024, Vol. 134, Issue 657, 193-219. [PDF] [Ungated] [Slides] [VoxEU article]
Do People Demand Fact-Checked News? Evidence from U.S. Democrats
(with Ingar Haaland and Christopher Roth)
Journal of Public Economics, 2022, Vol. 205: 104549. [PDF] [Ungated]